We are actively engaging the community with all our tours and accommodation needs by either they contribute as hosting Sri Lankan cooking classes, Home stays or delivering authentic Sri Lankan food experiences to a camping locations. This way we make sure that all proceeds are actively shared with the community as this extra income will enhance their income and lifestyle by enabling them to make sure they have sufficient income for their kids to go to school daily. We carefully handpick our suppliers and provide with them necessary tools and skills in order to provide the highest level of service, for instance we are conducting free ongoing HACCP ( Hazard analysis and critical control points) training for all our food handlers to make sure utmost care is taken during the productions of foods that we provide to our guests.

Every year we allocate a portion of our revenue to sponsor 5 children with financial difficulties by enrolling them in hospitality institutes close to their houses, making them job ready and using our partner network to hire them as employees once they complete their hospitality diploma.